Gone | Drama


Two Special Forces Soldiers set off on a mission only to be taken as POW by a group of Home Grown Terrorists. With both of them pr ...Show More

Two Special Forces Soldiers set off on a mission only to be taken as POW by a group of Home Grown Terrorists. With both of them promising their wives they would make it home alive, will they be able to keep their promises?

Two Special Forces Soldiers set off on a mission only to be taken as POW by a gr...Show More

Two Special Forces Soldiers set off on a mission only to be taken as POW by a group of Home Grown Terrorists. With both of them promising their wives they would make it home alive, will they be able to keep their promises?

Category/Genre: drama

Release: 2017

Rating: PG-13+

20 -40 Years, Males & Females.

Produced by: Ideation